The Music of Mars-The Caretaker’s Perspective

The Caretaker, the lone Bvindu on Mars, shares his thoughts on current events… For over 100,000 orbits, I safeguarded the knowledge and treasures of my people, the Bvindu, on this dead planet, fourth from the star. I eagerly await the day my people return for me and our heritage, so I can leave the control … Read more

TMOM-Erin’s Perspective

Erin, MarsVantage’s top pilot, shares her thoughts on current events… If events would’ve happened a few months earlier, I would’ve known everything. But after I turned down Frank’s marriage proposal, he made himself scarce. Actually, he’s been avoiding me. I hurt him, and he’s still in pain. When Frank approached me to back up his … Read more

The Music of Mars–Peter Konklin’s Side

Peter Konklin shares his perspective: Twelve years ago the government stole my Mars division after a small, unfortunate accident. That now-independent company, MarsVantage, is striving to prosper. And it’s mine, regardless of what the government thinks or what the incorporation papers say. Back then, I couldn’t stop the government, moved by the public outcry over … Read more

The Music of Mars–Chuck’s Story

Chuck O’Donnell shares his perspective: Lately, I’ve been watching Washington, D.C. close in on my company, MarsVantage. Bumping up the export fees to and import fees from Earth were straightforward, directly affecting the bottom line. Their other tactics, however, were more creative, like enacting the Space Transport Safety Act requiring significant upgrades to all space-going … Read more

The Music of Mars–Frank Speaks

Frank Brentford shares a few thoughts: I lived on Mars my entire life, learned engineering from my dad, and worked my way to engineering manager in MarsVantage. When going through my dad’s things, I found a crystal fragment that generates electricity when submerged in water according to his handwritten journal. With a new, local energy … Read more

The Music of Mars–Gretchen Speaks

Gretchen Blake shares a few thoughts: I came to Mars, eager to return to Earth as soon as I deciphered strange symbols in a remote cave. My employer, MarsVantage, hired me for my archaeological experience. Truthfully, my professional skills helped, but not as much as my project leader, Frank, anticipated. The true catalyst behind solving … Read more

A Sky Alignment

This morning, just before dawn, I witnessed a wonderful event in the sky.

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